My Journey, My Voice, My choice!

My life, issues, thoughts and voice

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Okay... This may sound weird!

Have you ever been talking to someone... giving them advice on something, and suddnely it hits you! You are being the most hipocritical person ever!!!!!!!!!

That what literally just happened to me! There i was talking to someone, telling them something, when really i should be telling myself this! i should be giving myself this advice!

Well... Another point, more to the point another "Have you Ever?"
Have you ever not wanted to tell someone something, so you say 'im fine' and they can still tell that something is up??? That sux!

Hint: Hiding emotions doesnt work! Even when you are online! Even if you've never MET the person!
Its crazy! Is that just me?


At 02 August, 2006, Blogger charlotte said...

hey, if you're referring to me :p I might just have super sonic people skills, people a skill I'm not that bad at, so sorry! I tend to do that.

YES! I know what you mean about saying, "I'm fine." But kind of wanting the person to get it out of you....that what you mean?

Your last post too...mmm...Liam had some good things to say and definately don't take in any of that other crap. And I say crap because it's exactly that!! You are SO MUCH more than they say. Simply, I'm guessing they don't have much else to do with their time other than taking their own insecurites out on others.

Luv ya!


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