My Journey, My Voice, My choice!

My life, issues, thoughts and voice

Sunday, June 18, 2006


I have spoken, in a previous blog entry about how I felt that I had to choose between god and a close friend...
Well over the last three days I have had major, and I mean MAJOR fights with my mother, and I went to the bible for help, each and every verse tells me to “honour my mother and father, make their values yours, make their faith yours” But what if, by following their values and faith I am disobeying god in other ways?
By disobeying my parents I am disobeying god, but if I were to listen to them I would be disobeying god in a much worse way!
I don’t know what to do; I don’t know which way to turn and who to turn to! It’s crazy that parents can make their kids feel so low! I dunno, well yeh I guess that’s all I have to say, short post!


At 19 June, 2006, Blogger charlotte said...

heya. I've just started reading this series (Diary Of a Teenage Girl) I think that you would really relate to them. Are you a reader? Go to Koorong, Word or your local Christian Bookshop (do u have one?) and check to see if they've got the books's like a journal of a teenage girl's life. The series I have is about a girl called Caitlin, she starts writing at 16...but she struggles with what you have just said in your most recent post...and I think that reading the book might help you a little! For real! See if you can find it...the author is...Melody Carson...the first book of the Caitlin series is called "Becoming Me"

I hope you can find it and have a read!!

At 19 June, 2006, Blogger charlotte said...

thats a link to the koorong site at which I found it...hope it works.

At 22 June, 2006, Blogger Liam said...

Theologians have stuggled over this and similar issues for two millenia and then some.

When God calls us to honour our parents, he also calls our parents to honour their children and do what is best for them.

Would God call us to sin?

What is the more important thing, honouring God in everything he commands, or honouring God in one command?

We don't live in a perfect world.
The problem is we read the bible as if it speaks to a perfect world.
Honouring our parents is straight forward (and right) if they too are honouring God.

At 25 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love anonymous


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