My Journey, My Voice, My choice!

My life, issues, thoughts and voice

Sunday, June 04, 2006


This morning I went to church and Liam was giving the sermon, he was talking about us acting like Jesus did, he want reminding us of the fact that Jesus dies so we could live. And that really made me think:

Have I been acting like Jesus would?
Unfortunately I have too say I haven’t, but in some aspects that really isn’t that easy, but in some aspects it is... And I am ashamed to admit it but I haven’t been acting like Jesus did, I have been acting in an opposite manner and that is really bad, I found this on the internet and its really scary because it applies to me in a bad way!

  • Isn't it funny that $10 seems like a lot when go to church, but so little when we go shopping?
  • Isn't it funny how one hour seems so long when we worship God, and so short when we watch a ballgame?
  • Isn't it funny how 2 hours in church seem so much longer than when we watch a movie?
  • Isn't it funny how when a ballgame goes into overtime we get so excited, but when a sermon Last a little longer than usual, we complain?
  • Isn't it funny how we find reading a whole chapter from the bible boring, but that it's easy to read 100 pages of the latest novel?
  • Isn't it funny how we want to sit in the front row when we go to a basketball game or theatre, but that we sit in the last rows of the church?
  • Isn't it funny how we need 2 or three weeks notice when there is an event to attend at the church, and how we are always available for other events or programs?
  • Isn't it funny how we have difficulty to learn verses of the bible, but so easy to learn and tell the latest gossip?
  • Isn't it funny how you’re almost never late for work but your always late for church?
  • Isn't it funny how we believe the newspapers, but we question God?
    Isn't IT FUNNY? Are you laughing? Im, not!

I feel as though I have distanced my self from my father, and that is not something I am proud of in fact it is something i feel that I must change!

In my life I am surrounded by two types of people, the people who live with god in them, who live like Jesus did and then there are those who are living for the devil. I worry that too many of us younger and even older people are falling in with this crowd, but how can we stop it? How can I stop myself and others around me from falling in with these people, I am powerless to stop myself so how can I stop others?

I say that in some aspects it isn’t easy to do the right thing, by these I mean that sometimes it is a loose/loose situation, no matter what you do someone significant in your life is hurt deeply, but if you do nothing you are struggling with the pressure of the wrong thing on your conscience

So in life, I would like to use the motto of WWJD (What would Jesus do) but like I said is this so easy? Are we all doomed to mistakes over and over again, are we all going to be tempted for life in that the devil will get involved and his people surround us with evil action and doing things that Jesus never did? What can we do to stop it? Is god our only strength???


At 04 June, 2006, Blogger charlotte said...

hey talia...its naomi, i'm melissa's sister, liam's sis in law. I saw ur comment on melissa's blog and decided to take a look at yours, I hope you don't mind...
It can be a real struggle to live your WHOLE life fully for God...believe me, I know! I'm going to come back to your blog often...I'll put it in my list of blogs to check! Maybe when I visit Melly Moo next I'll get to meet u! :) Keep up the blogging!


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