My Journey, My Voice, My choice!

My life, issues, thoughts and voice

Monday, August 14, 2006

Questions & an Apology

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he aught to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17

Tonight in bible study... I kinda zoned out... doing that WAY TO OFTEN! But anyhows, I was really disappointed in a way because no-one (including me-I know) brought this up.. And well I dunno...I wish I had’ve!!!

Anyhows can we, be responsible for someone else sinning???

As in, say... (Not using names)
A tells B something... and then... B then knows that something should be done, but A won’t let them... Are you following? If not sorry!!!
Well, in that scenario, does that make A responsible for B sinning? And, is there a lesser evil? As in, by B saying something, they would be betraying the trust of A which in itself is a sin (I don’t know if technically it is... but... it is in my eyes!) so then...

Is A is responsible for B sinning?

“Submit yourself, then, to god. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you…” James 4:7
Well we DID talk on this... But as I said I kinda zoned out... SORRY!
Well, it’s a question I have... I think I may have asked it already... again SORRY!
Well, if James says that when we draw closer to god, the devil will flee from us... Then why have I been told by MANY people that Satan only hurts those close to god... so in a sense, James is wrong! By drawing closer to god, you are almost (provoking, tempting, not sure of the word so...) Satan!
It seems to me (sounds really depressing) BUT... the closer to god you get, the more powerful Satan becomes in your life! Well... That’s what I have seen, so if I am wrong! PLEASE TELL ME SO!


I have always been told that all sins are ‘equal’ in a sense, as in there are no “OMGosh... that’s worse than my sin” comments... BUT! Why is it that some sins can hurt more??? And that some, can have more of a deeper effect, and yet are seen by others as ‘not THAT bad’???

(as usual...)

I would like to apologize.. I think that we may have already had these questions answered... BUT... I zoned out! So SORRY if I am repeating any questions!
But I really would like some answers, and if it’s a comment I can save it, so it doesn’t matter if I zone in and out!


At 14 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great questions talz!

1)there is another passge of scripture that says if we lead someone to sin we're guilty of a greater sin...meaining if we're causing people to sin thats not good for us, possibly a 'greater sin' coz it affects us personally!... (i'll try find the passage for u)

at the same time we dont make their choices.They are responsible for their own sin!

2)The book of James is speaking about the life of following Jesus/being a christian.Theres 2 ways of living, Gods way or the worlds.

the devil fleeing is talking about our own actions not about spiritual attacks.If we do those things we will come nearer to God and further away from the devil.So resist the way of the world and youre further away from the devil...

i'll email u about spiritual attacks...

3)sins punishment is equal.The wages of sin is death!(Romans 6:23) Different sins hurt more than others,but a sin is a sin, its punishment is death.



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